4-4 Comparing Linear and Nonlinear Functions
CCSS: 8.F.1, 8.F.2, 8.F.3, & 8.F.5
Critical Background Knowledge- Students should know how to identify a linear and non-linear function
Content Objective: I can distinguish between linear and non-linear functions given a table, graph, or equation, and justify my conclusion. I can describe a relationship as increasing or decreasing, linear or non-linear from an equation , table, or graph.
Language Objective: I know the definition of function, linear and non-linear function.
Essential Question: How does everything that we have learn this year relates to functions?
I Activity Day
II Lesson Day
III Additional Resources
https://www.youtube.com/watch? Links to an external site.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ydefwk2xZI0 Links to an external site.